About Us

The Global Center of Excellence for International Cooperation and Creative Economy (G-CINC) is a form of the Indonesian government’s commitment to implementing the Bali Agenda for Creative Economy. GCINC is built become a center for knowledge and resource management both from within and outside the country in the research and development of the Creative Economy. GCINC focus to increase the growth of the Creative Economy in its contribution to GDP, employment and sustainable export activities. by designing, developing, and implementing programs for increasing international cooperation (bilateral, regional, and multilateral) and capacity building for the development of creative economic capacity.

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Team Member

Dr. Dina Dellyana

Dr. Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti

Salfitrie Roos Maryunani, MPhil

Sonny Rustiadi PhD

Ilma Aulia Zaim PhD

Our Vision

To become global focal point in research, development, acceleration, and international cooperation which support global creative economy growth

Our mission

Here in G-CINC we will provide your business to improve quick and healthy while still maintaining your cole values on creative industry

Capacity & Capabilites

Increasing the capacity & Capability of creative actors to produce sustainable innovative work

Great Access

Improving the ability to access upstream and downstream industries for global creative economy players


Improving access to information, lessons learned and best practices for global creative actors

Promote links

Promoting cooperation and collaboration between goverments and all stakeholders of the world’s creative economy