Creative Year Talks #1: Welcoming IYoCE 2021
18 Januari 2021, 13:45 WIB- 19:45

Event schedule
What’s in the event
Welcome Remarks from Dr. Wisnu Bawa Tarunajaya
Welcome remarks from Deputy Minister for Resources and Institutions Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Wisnu Bawa Tarunajaya
Keynote Remarks from Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno
Keynote remarks from Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno
Remarks from Agustaviano Sofyan
Remarks from Director for Trade, Commodity and IP Ministry of Foreign Affair, Agustaviano Sofyan
Enhancing Local Value Chain to Build a Sustainable Creative Industries Ecosystem
Webinar about Enhancing Local Value Chain to Build a Sustainable Creative Industries Ecosystem and sharing from expert; Dr. Dina Dellyana, Camille Albarracin, Prof. Nickolas Zouros, Dr. Dwinita Larasati, Astri Purnamasari, Adi Reza
Room 1
Coaching about Sustainable Geoproducts
Coaching about sustainable geoproducts with General Manager of Rinjani-Lombok UGGp, M Farid Zaini
Room 2
Coaching about Sustainable Community
Coaching about sustainable community with West java creative economy comittee, Harry Mawardi
Room 3
Coaching about Sustainable Business (Recycle & Waste management)
Coaching about sustainable business (Recycle & Waste management) with Parongpong Recycle and Waste Management founder, Rendy Aditya Wachid
Room 4
Coaching about Sustainable Business (Craft)
Coaching about sustainable business (craft) with Marketing & partnership specialist Du’Anyam, Nindita Kanti
Room 5
Coaching about Sustainable Business (Product/Organic Packaging)
Coaching about sustainable business (product/organic packaging) with Owner of PT Kutus Kutus Herbal, Servasius Bambang Pranoto