Established in 2007-2008, Extreme Moshpit was initially a program on CBL radio that aired for 1 year. In 2011-2019 the program was broadcasted on OZ radio (a well known commercial radio in Bandung city). Along the way, they initiated a website. Now they are an independent community. In 2016, Extreme Moshpit created EM TV on Youtube, and it is still active to date. They have their own structure as a collective and coordinating organization for the underground hard music community in promoting their works through audio and visual media. The founder is Kang Eben, and 2 teams work on 2 different mediums which are TV and radio. EM defines itself as a community media, an organic organization that shares events and facilitates a healthy discussion with all the members. Through this activity, the community gets more exposure. EM then hosted various important events. Membership was initially participatory, but now as EM positions itself in the industry, it has thousands of subscribers on social media. Its Radio channel is more intense (on air 12 hours a day), almost 12 programs on digital TV, and hosts various scenes. They acknowledge that they share most on EM talk show on TV. Its main value is information, its core is comedy. The broadcasts are not script-based so that the discussion is fluent. Extreme Moshpit’s specialty is broadcast production and is funded by its founder (private). A sponsorship scheme was started in 2019 with Philip Morris.
Established in 2007-2008, Extreme Moshpit was initially a program on CBL radio that aired for 1 year. In 2011-2019 the program was broadcasted on OZ radio (a well known commercial radio in Bandung city). Along the way, they initiated a website. Now they are an independent community. In 2016, Extreme Moshpit created EM TV on…